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Riders Malawi, Cyclone Freddy: Update

Cyclone Freddy, which started in February, is likely to be the longest-ever running cyclone in recorded history according to The World Meteorological Organization.

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The death toll from the disaster in southeast Africa has now exceeded 600, according to authorities in Malawi, Mozambique and Madagascar.

Donations from kind Two Wheels for Life supporters have already topped £1000, but we still need more to make sure we can make real impact in helping those whose lives have been overturned by effects of the cyclone.

Malawi, the home of one of the Riders for Health programmes we support, was hit by the cyclone two weeks ago. Since then Two Wheels for Life and our supporters have rallied to help health workers, who have been struggling to keep themselves and their families alive.

Above: Stezhi Kankhande’s family home after it was destroyed by Cyclone Freddy.

Stezhi Kankhande works for Riders for Health Malawi. Here the organisation, which is a global leader in transport for healthcare, works to reduce the spread of disease in the nation by providing reliable transport for biological samples and test results as well as the disposal of potentially hazardous medical waste.

Based in Blantyre, one of the areas hit by the cyclone, Stezhi tells his and his family’s story from the past few weeks.

A Riders for Health motorcycle health worker in Malawi

“My main fear throughout this awful time has been the safety of my kids.
When the cyclone hit we were terrified. Thankfully nobody in my family died, but our house was destroyed and we had no choice but to leave. It’s hard to keep the kid’s spirits up when you know where you will sleep and you’re struggling to find even food and clothing.
Many homes were either destroyed or already taken, but we have now found a small apartment. We will rebuild and move on, but I hope that we never go through something like this again.”

Thanks to all of Two Wheels’ amazing supporters who have sent funds so far. We have now raised over £1k which is already helping motorcycle health workers like Stezhi who have lost their homes.

We need to reach £3k in order to provide health workers with everything they need to get through this challenging time. If you can spare even a small amount to support our campaign we would be very grateful.

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